The Weddin Community Native Nursery is managed by volunteers and without our valued volunteers we would not be able to function.
Our volunteers bring a range of knowledge and skills to the nursery that are not necessarily associated with plant nursery skills. They are usually people with some time available during the day and may have an interest in their local flora and environment.
Volunteer tasks depend on the season and the needs of the nursery. All tasks can be shown and taught to new volunteers.
Tasks can involve:
- seed collection across the shire
- nursery tasks - seed cleaning, sowing, potting up, weeding, pot cleaning
- data entry and stocktake
- fundraising and promotion - street stalls, community education and information sessions.
If you are interested in our local flora why not consider volunteering at the nursery?
Call in for a chat and a cuppa or submit your details below and one of our team members will be in touch.